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Bosquejos escritos para predicar | Bosquejos y predicaciones

March 22, 2013

Professional animal trappers use a common trick to catch their live prey.  Allow me to explain what they did.  The animal trappers had a favorite place where they liked to trap the monkeys.  Their favorite place was a dried tree stump, which was in the middle of an open space of green pasture, which was surrounded by the jungle.


The interesting thing about all of this was not the fact that the stump was away from the rest of the jungle; the interesting part was that this stump had a hole in the middle big enough so that a monkey could fit his hand through it. Bosquejos y predicaciones is What they would do was that they would place an orange inside the hole, and they would hide in the nearby jungle to wait.  Not too much time went by before a monkey appeared from the tree line and began walking past the tree stump.  Apparently this monkey smelled the fruit in the stump and drew near to investigate. The monkey put his hand through the hole in the stump, clutched the fruit and attempted to get his hand out, but he was unable to do so because his hand was clenched around the fruit in the form of a fist, and the fist would not fit through the hole. 


We are going to examine this tactic with the purpose of discovering if in fact this is a tactic that can be used on a person; let’s determine if we can be trapped in sin.  The bible: (Hebrews 10:26-31).


The most obvious thing found in this Bosquejos escritos para predicar  is a great warning about what happens when we continue to lead a sinful life. These verses are a warning to all Christians.  Why such a stern warning? We find this stern warning because, what has occurred since the beginning is that Christians have grown very accustomed and comfortable in the knowledge that God forgives our sins.   This has led many to stop listening to the preachings, bible studies, and sermons, and thus they get so comfortable in their faith that they sin willfully. 


The monkey’s future was forever changed because he did not follow his first instinct Predicaciones en español, which was to let go of the fruit and flee.  This animal went from living a free and happy life in his habitat, to being a prisoner in a zoo.  This monkey would now be locked up and confined to a prison of steel bars and cement for the rest of his natural life. 


The very same applies to all Christians.  If we do not take the time to heed the warnings found in the bible, of our bible study today, then we will quite easily fall trapped, just like the monkey in the jungle. 


We are very different from a monkey, we can reason.  We know about the bible, we know about sin, we know the difference between good and evil, and this is why we cannot allow our enemy to trap us in a life of sin.

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